Absolutely nothing speaks as eloquently for a company as endorsements from its customers. Northome Comfort Windows proudly boasts of 18 binders packed full of returned questionnaires from clients.We can proudly say... "Our Customers are Our Best Sales People."Word of mouth is the best advertising any business can get. We truly appreciate that our customers refer us to their friends, family and neighbors. |
Feel free search below to see what our customers have to say about our windows and their installation experience. To search a specific town/city enter the name in the town/city section and click on search. To search a specific item, for example "bay window" enter a word it in the keywords section and click search. To get more results, make sure that you leave the town/city blank on "any". Out of respect for our clients, we do not list our clients full names on the internet, we only use their initials and the town they are from. If you would like to see a customer list for your area, please contact us and we will send you a free information package. |
1 Customer Testimonial Found
L.&A. L., Allan Windows installed October 6 & 7, 2015
Download PDF“We had a 2 day installation with 11 windows. First day we had a crew of 8 and next day 6. They were friendly & efficient & each day they cleaned up very well, vacuuming in the house & cleaning up their work area outside. When they were done the windows were nice & clean with no stickers!”
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